sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Viral: la historia detrás del conmovedor video del reencuentro de Rocco con su perro

Rocco Risso, un joven de Pergamino, esperó por 8 meses el regreso de su mejor amigo Jack y, pese a que se encontraba devastado, nunca perdió las esperanzas del reencuentro. El conmovedor video que revolucionó las redes sociales

Rocco y Jack, dos amigos inseparables que pasaron 8 meses sin verse y aun así el amor sigue intacto

Diariamente surgen videos más que conmovedores en la web que enternecen a miles de usuarios y, generalmente, están vinculados con las mascotas del hogar. Muchas veces la relación perro y humano llega a ser tan estrecha que puede relacionarse con el concepto de amistad. Como es el caso de Rocco y su perro Jack cuyo vínculo quedó más que expuesto en las redes.
Jack se extravió una tarde y su familia desesperada no paro hasta lograr que vuelva a su hogar
Rooco, de 11 años de edad, es sin dudas un amante de las mascotas, tiene actualmente una iguana, dos pajaritos y un caballo. Su mejor amigo Jack, con quien convive hace más de cuatro años, se extravió hace un tiempo y su desconsuelo fue absoluto. Pasaron 8 meses sin lograr encontrarlo y las esperanzas ya se iban desvaneciendo.

"Rocco siempre dice que las cosas más importantes de la vida son las mascotas y la familia, para él son una y la misma", aseguró su madre Romina Risso a The Dodo.
El emotivo video muestra el gran momento en que Rocco y Jack se ven nuevamente
Al no encontrar a Jack, toda la familia salió en su búsqueda. Empapelaron todo Pergamino, preguntaron puerta por puerta , recorrieron refugio por refugio y hasta realizaron una masiva campaña de búsqueda en las redes sociales pero, lamentablemente, no tuvieron novedades.
"No puedo explicar cuánto Rocco lloró y lo extrañó durante todos esos meses", subrayó Romina.
Hasta que un amigo de la familia un 5 de junio, vio un perro perdido vagando cerca de una gasolinera y lo reconoció inmediatamente. Cuando Romina Risso – madre de Rocco -recibió la llamada, en un principio se sorprendió, pero no quiso generar falsas esperanzas a su hijo que se encontraba bastante afectado por la pérdida. Por lo que, una vez que se cercioró que era Jack, planeó reunir a su hijo con su perro engañándolo con que tenía una sorpresa para él.
"Cuando lo llamé al patio delantero y vio a su amigo Jack, sentí que había renacido, el lo único que decía era: 'Lo sabía'", declaró Romina.
El video refleja claramente la reacción de este joven al reconocer de inmediato a su mejor amigo. Su incontrolable emoción permite ver el estrecho vínculo generado entre ambos.
"Hace 10 días mi hijo soñó que Jack volvía. Yo le dije, no pienses todo el tiempo en eso, porque las sorpresas llegan cuando menos las esperás", declaró Romina.

Este emotivo registro se convirtió en uno de los más vistos tanto en Youtube como en las redes sociales y ya cuenta con más de 270.000 visualizaciones. Las imágenes conmovieron a miles de usuarios de Internet que comprenden la importancia de una mascota tanto en niños, adolescentes y adultos. Una historia de amor incondicional que durará por muchos años más.

make money online-How to increase Adsense CTR by +72,8%!

How to increase Adsense CTR 

Today, buddy Rok Sprogar is revealing to us how to increasAdsense CTR by more than 72%. He is a wonderful  friend, a loyal reader and a weight loss blogger with a deep understanding of human behavior around food… most of the time he uses that knowledge to help people get rid of their bad eating habits – but today he’s going to show you how psychology can help you make even more money (from running Adsense or any other kind of ads on your website). 
You are the man Rok. Fire on!
I don’t care how much money your Adsense ads are bringing in right now… as a smart online marketer you should always be asking yourself this:
  • Are the ads on my website(s) positioned in the absolutely best possible way?
  • Could I be getting a higher CTR (click-through-rate) on any one of my ads?
  • How much Adsense revenue am I actually leaving on the table?
I’ve been optimizing Adsense earnings for my weight loss blog for over ayear now…but it wasn’t until a couple of days ago that I realized I was making one of the most expensive mistakes of my online career.
You see – during all that time -my “top performing” ad could have been bringing in over 70% more money.
I will tell you exactly WHAT I did and WHY I did it to increase Adsense CTR and give my earnings such a huge boost – so make sure you read every word of this post, because it could easily be one of the most profitable things you’ve ever read.

When are your website visitors ready to click your ads?

If you want to increase adsense ctr and make the most out of your ads, you first need to understand how your typical website visitor behaves.
For example – let’s say one of my visitors discovered my blog because he googled “water fasting for weight loss“.
As soon as he arrives at my blog, his attention is focused almost exclusively on what he was looking for – information on water fasting.
He doesn’t care about that wide banner ad that I used to have at the top of my blog.He doesn’t care about that square ad I used to display at the top-right of my blog – he doesn’t even care about that ad I put in the beginning of every article (even though the article text “floated” to the side of the ad).
All he really wants – in those first critical moments upon entering my blog – is to satisfy his strong curiosity,that made him type in his original search query in the first place…and until he’s ready to focus on something else, he probably won’t be too trigger-happy to click on your ads.
Just think about it – all those “above the fold” ads (the ads that are displayed above or at the beginning of the article) are trying to grab the attention of your visitors as soon as they arrive at your website.
But doesn’t it make more sense to place those ads at the points in the visitor’s journey – where most of your visitors are ready to leave your website?
I’ll just let the numbers speak for themselves.

How to increase adsense CTR by more than 72%?

Before I could test my theory, I had to develop a custom plugin that would insert the Adsense code right before the second heading (the first subheading) of all my articles.
After the plugin was finished, here’s how my top performing ad looked like:
increase Adsense CTR
Why did I place my first ad right before the first subheading (the first <h2> element) in an attempt to increase Adsense CTR?
Because I figured – after my typical visitor reads the article introduction, he’ll arrive at an important crossroad.
Maybe his initial curiosity will already be satisfied (because his most important questions were answered in the article intro)…maybe he’ll realize my article doesn’t have the information he was looking for…or maybe, he’ll simply get bored after reading those first couple of paragraphs.
Now, many readers will definitely want to read the rest of the article…but for those who are about to leave my blog – this would be the perfect “hotspot” to offer them an ad to click on.
And boy was I right.

How much more Adsense money could you be earning?

Here are the numbers from my Adsense account:

How to increase adsense CTR

Now, your own click-through-rates might be different – because CTR highly depends on your content, the kind of visitors you’re getting to your website and the niche you’re in…but that’s not the point here.
The point is – I have been unable to increase the CTR for my top performing ad beyond 0,6% CTR until now. But with this latest test, I have been easily able to break past 1% CTR.
For a more “plastic” representation of just how much more money that is…take a look at this screenshot of my Adsense earnings:
increase Adsense CTR
The lowest (longest) green bar shows the earnings for my top performing ad – while the other green bars show the earnings for the rest of my ads.
My last ad beats my formerly top performing ad by 72,8%.
In terms of actual money – that’s $172.8 instead of $100 from that one ad (each and every month).Or $17,280 instead of $10,000 – if you own a high-traffic website.

Two highly-profitable code modifications I did to increase Adsense CTR

There are two things I changed about the default (responsive) Adsense code – and both helped me increase my Adsense earnings way beyond what I thought I was possible:
how to increase ctr adsense
I changed the data-ad-format attribute from “auto” to “rectangle” to exclude those wide banner ads that take up very little vertical space + I added “margin-bottom: 5em” to create a little more vertical space after the ad.
I did both these things to “push down” the articletext – to separate the rest of the article from the introduction text.
Nothing too extreme, just to make my ad stand out a little bit more – making it a little more obvious for my visitors to click on it…

What else can you do to increase Adsense CTR and earn even more from your ads?

Before you rush out to change the configuration of the Adsense ads on your website, download Enstine’s CashDonator Plugin. This will helpful effortlessly place Adsense code on the spot I explained above. You can contact Enstine after downloading your copy so he can guide you how to use this very simple yet powerful plugin.
Secondly, make sure you subscribe to Enstine’s blog 
Because Enstine is a great guy + he’s in the business of helping people like you earn more money from their websites…and he intends to do so for years to come.
He’ll also send you a free guide on how to attract even more profitable advertisers (than Adsense) to your website – even if you don’t yet have a lot of traffic on it.
So go ahead – subscribe to his blog before you forget about it – and remember to have some fun with that extra money your ads will soon be bringing in.
Let me know what you think about this secret strategy. What do you think about how to increase CTR Adsense? Enstine and I are waiting to engage with you in the comment box below.

Make Money online From Google AdSense

How To Make Money From Google AdSense

Adsense income proof
Are you looking to earn passive income online? Do you want to work part-time online & pay your mobile & other utility bills? If your answer is yes, this will change your life from here!
Working online has become a lifestyle lately & like you, millions desire to do the same. The interesting fact is; countless users are making a living out of income online. If you have tried researching on how people are making money online, I’m sure you must have read about AdSense few times by now. If not…
This is a complete guide for a newbie like you who wants to work part-time & start earning money via AdSense. By the end of this epic guide, you will have all the required information along with things you need to do to start earning as soon as possible. So let’s skip the basic intro part & learn how people are making money from AdSense by working online & how you can too.

What is Google AdSense & how it can make money for you?

Google AdSense is a free service offered by Google for publishers to monetize their web content. A publisher can be anyone with a blog, Website, Youtube channel or other allowed online property. AdSense has always been most popular ways to monetize the content & stepping stone for people who want to earn online.
The reason for AdSense popularity is because of ease of using it & after initial configuration, all you need to do is sit back & see money coming into your account.  Moreover, they pay in time & you don’t have to worry about being scammed online.
Getting started with AdSense is easy & you need a blog or Youtube channel to get approval for AdSense account. Once you have an account, all you need to do is create ads (Easy process) & place the AdSense code on your blog using free plugins, & AdSense will automatically display ads. Now, When a reader clicks on those ads, you will earn money from it.  After this, your goal is to get traffic to your blog & more traffic you get, more income you will generate.
A word of warning:
If you are thinking this is so easy & you can ask your friends or family to click on the ads, kindly don’t. Google AdSense is a quality ad network that is free to join but they have maintained a high level of quality & any such activities where a publisher is asking to click on ads or using illegal methods to get more clicks,will cost you a disabled AdSense account. Once your account is disabled, it would be hard for you to get back an account.
How much can you earn from AdSense & Income proof:
This is the most basic newbies often ask & you can read this guide to understand how much you can earn. There are users who are making thousands of dollars every day with AdSense. Since I can offer only my proof, here is current screenshot of my AdSense earning in the last six years: $41,854 ( INR 27.5 Lakh)
Adsense income proof
I have given links to the best AdSense resources below which would help in setting & maintaining your AdSense account, but first let’s help you in getting a web property that is a requisite before you apply for AdSense account.

Creating your web property for getting an AdSense account:

To apply for an AdSense account, you need to have a web-property. That could be a  blog, website or anything that is allowed by Google. Here I’m listing down three places where you can create a web property in next few minutes to get started. Depending upon your level of understanding, you can start for free or put a little money if you already aware of how things work online.
Create a free blog on BlogSpot:
Create free Blog on BlogSpot
BlogSpot is a free blogging platform by Google & you can create a blog of your own in next few minutes (About 10 minutes). This is the best way for anyone who have never worked online & first time trying to make money. Few important things to keep in mind:
  • Domain name: BlogSpot offers a domain name such as selectedname.blogspot.com. It’s advisable to use a name that is easy to remember, type & pronounce. Read: How to decide name of your blog.
  • Niche: Start posting articles in one particular topic. Be it finance, technology, fashion food or anything. Ensure every post you write should have more than 400+ words with images. Writing an article on BlogSpot or all other modern platform is quite easy. Here is how you select the niche of your blog.
  • Design: When you are setting up your first blog on BlogSpot, you will be using any of the template offered by them. They are good, but you can always use a 3rd party free template to make your BlogSpot blog look more professional. Here is a resource for premium looking free BlogSpot template that you can use on your blog.
  • Pages: Posts are for writing articles & pages are for important pages like about, contact & so on. Ensure you create & add About/Contact page from day one. Your about page will have a great impact on your blog visibility & here you can learn why it’s so crucial to have an about page.

Here is a guide to help you create a free blog on BlogSpot. There is also a video embedded in the post which would make the learning easy for you.
Or create a WordPress Blog (Smart & professional way)
This one I recommend to those who have a prior experience of working online or have an idea of how things work. More than 22% of the websites in the world is powered by WordPress & is seen as most respected blogging platform of all time.
The idea of having your hosting & domain name is exciting & seems challenging at first, but WordPress makes it easier for anyone with no experience to gets started with their blog online.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

How can I increase my AdSense clicks

How To Create An AdSense Website That Makes $100 Per Day

If you are interested in making money from Google AdSense, this detailed guide is exclusively for you where I’ll be discussing few insider AdSense tips to build an AdSense friendly website that helps you make more money.
Although making $100 a day from AdSense is not a cake walk, it involves in choosing the right topic idea and implementing a perfect SEO strategy! But making $100 per day from AdSense is very much possible.
Before diving into the details, here are few important things you need to know about Google AdSense.
Google AdSense is a Pay Per Click (PPC) Ad program that allows you to make money from your sites when someone clicks on your ads. The more clicks you get on your ads the more money you can make from AdSense. These ads are generally displayed automatically by Google, these ads are also called as contextual ads. It means Google generates ads relevant to your website’s content. The more relevant and specific contents you have on your site, the more relevant ads it will show up.
Google has automatic tracking system that tracks the number of unique clicks you get on your sites, and it will pay you accordingly.
  • AdSense is freely offered by Google and anyone with proper content can use AdSense.
  • AdSense ads are displayed in two form: text ads and image ads.
  • Your AdSense income is directly proportional to the number of clicks your visitors click on your ads.
  • You can only use 3 AdSense ads per page.
Is it possible to really make $100 per day from Google AdSense?
Yes, a lot of bloggers are already making a living from Google AdSense. Although making a living from AdSense involves in a lot of time, dedication and energy, but anyone can make more money from AdSense by following a proper blueprint which I’m going to reveal in this article.
How much time does it take?
If done right, within six to eight months, you can build a site that makes you $100 or more each single day.

#1: Topic Selection Is The Key

The first step to building an AdSense friendly website is this: find out the best AdSense website ideas. In other words, find out the topics that have huge potential to get a lot of search engine traffic.
The key here is to focus on building a massive traffic generating website that helps you increase your AdSense earnings. See, if you want to make $100 per day from AdSense, you need to drive at least 5000-10000 unique visitors to your site every day. That can only be possible if you have a site that covers broad areas such as technology, news, entertainment etc.
Make sure your website topic has the following 3 important factors
  1. High CPC (Cost Per Click) keywords
  2. Low competition
  3. A huge demands for advertisers to show their ads using Google AdWords
Here’s a must read post on how to do keyword research for finding better niche websites for making $100 per day from AdSense.
Here are few ideas that are really popular and helps you make more money from AdSense.
  • Technology
  • Music and Entertainment
  • News
  • Food/cooking/recipes
  • Fitness and Weight loss
  • Travel
  • Online degrees

The above mentioned AdSense website ideas are not only searched by millions of people worldwide but they give a lot of ideas for you to start a niche oriented AdSense blog to start making more money from AdSense. So pick a topic idea that has huge traffic potential and then launch a WordPress site in 3 simple steps.
  • Click here to buy hosting from Bluehost and pick a domain name of your choice
  • Install WordPress and get a clean theme design
  • Install all the essential WordPress plugins and start producing contents

#2: Create Keyword Rich Content And Drive More Organic Traffic

Once you have selected a potential idea for your website, it’s time to start creating content for your blogs. The more content you have the more AdSense income you can generate.
Remember that, you need at least 5000 unique visitors every day to make $100 a day from AdSense. So to get that much amount of visitors from search engines, you need to have properly optimized blog posts. Having at least 100 to 200 articles on your websites can help you get that much amount of search traffic if your niche is highly competitive (like news, technology, fitness etc).
So make sure to publish one post per day for 6 months to accomplish this task. Once you have enough search engine friendly articles on your websites, you can start expecting a huge traffic flow from search engines.
Meanwhile, use social media sites like Facebook and twitter to promote your blog posts to increase your traffic in initial days. Also use blogging forums like BizSugar, Blokube etc. to connect with other bloggers.
Here’s a detailed guide on how to increase your search engine traffic to your websites.

#3: Start Making Money From AdSense

Once you have enough content, you can then apply for Google AdSense and display Google ads on your websites. Here’s a simple guide on getting your AdSense account approved fast!
Here are few simple tips to increase your AdSense earnings.
  • Don’t fret too much. Don’t expect to make $100 from AdSense from day 1. It takes time. Once your search traffic explodes, you can expect high AdSense earnings.
  • Make sure to create contextual contents to increase the relevancy of displaying your Ads. The more relevant your ads are the more visitors would like to click. The more clicks you get the more money you can make.
  • Placement is the key. Place your ads where most people see your ads.
  • Experiment with your ad placement. Try above the post, below the post, middle of the post and analyze where your CTR is high.

Final Thoughts About Building An AdSense Friendly Website

Remember that you can’t make $100 per day from AdSense from day one! After all, Google AdSense is not a get rich quick scheme, you need to improve your traffic and overall click through rates (CTR) to increase your AdSense earnings. Focus on finding a niche that has good number of searches and use profitable keywords and highly relevant content to start making more from AdSense.
Do you have any more AdSense monetization tips to start making $100 day from AdSense? If yes, please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

How to Increase Your AdSense Clicks

Adsense can be a great way to earn some extra revenue from your online presence. But if you’ve tried to get people to click on your ads, you know it’s not easy. You can put up tons of content, spend hours promoting your site, use Adsense’s best practices . . . and still not make a dime.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can up your Adsense game with a few simple tweaks to your strategy.
And we’re going to show you how to do it. Read on to begin your journey to Adsense mastery!

The one thing you should never, ever do with AdSense

Have you ever been to a website that’s unbelievably cluttered with ads? Not only are there popup ads lurking about every single time you navigate to another page within the site, but also there are countless ads lining its pages.
Too many ads reduces the effectiveness of AdSense

What are you thinking when you visit one of these sites?
It’s probably something along the lines of “I’ve got to get out of here. I can’t find what I’m looking for, and there are probably 100 other pages that are easier to understand.”
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.
To avoid this one major pitfall, it is important that you don’t overuse AdSense.
The common misconception about ads online is that the more you have, the more clicks you will receive. The key is avoiding bad website design.

Increase revenue by paring down

One of the best ways to increase your AdSense click-through-rate, or CTR, is surprising:
Decrease the number of your ads on the page. If you’re not getting many clicks, you may want to pare down to a single ad and make it highly visible.
Optimal AdSense layout
User experience is absolutely paramount is developing a profitable website, and having too many ads makes for unhappy readers. Sticking with a single prominent ad might perform much better than a bunch of ads that people aren’t seeing anyway.
Concentrating on having a sleek, streamlined, easy-to-use, effective website design will increase your CTR.
Think of your users first, and let your ad strategy grow from there.

Highlight ads with good placement

One of the biggest factors that bloggers and developers often don’t consider is layout, especially what equates to valuable real estate on the page.
You’re looking for prime real estate location here.
One of the best ways to figure out where to place your ads is through using heat maps. These applications track where people are clicking on your site, letting you pinpoint your prime real estate.
CrazyEgg is a popular heat mapping tool—and you can even try it out for free. There are plenty of other options out there, too.

Get more views with great content

It’s no secret:
People stay on pages that provide value.
You can have a website that’s easy to navigate and isn’t cluttered with ads. You can get all the heat map data you want.
But if you still don’t have the content the visitor is after, they’ll leave and never come back.
Great content is extremely important. It’s not the ads that increase your CTR, it’s the fact that you were able to attract traffic and keep visitors glued to the page. If you want to really stand out, you’re going to need to create content that’s ten times better than anything else out there.
And if you’re not sure how to create awesome content, check out our blog post checklist. It’s a great tool for publishing content that helps your site succeed.

Starting making money with AdSense

AdSense is a wonderful utility for increasing revenue, and sometimes it’s the simplest tips that can cause a rapid increase of clicks.

But improving your AdSense click-through rate takes a lot of time, effort, and a continual process of trial and error. It’s always ongoing. And that means you’ll need to have good analytics, too. (Which is why we use MixPanel.)
How have you increased your success with AdSense? Share your best tips in the comments below!

Can I earn $100 monthly from blogging with adsense

Can I earn $100 monthly from blogging? I am using blogger.com and monetized  with adsense.

What only $100 monthly I think you’re kidding. I don’t know who you are a male or a female but anyone can make money using Blogger.com - Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. I’m a Blogger user I don’t like paid services like Wordpress and I do not feel very good when some website owners say that you need a premium website to make money through your blog.
  1. Is that any problem with blogger. No, there isn’t any problem with blogger.
  2. You can make $500 a day with blogspot blogs.
  3. I have hundreds of blogspot blogs and I monetize them with Google Adsense account.
  4. And yes I got my Google Adsense Account approval from a blogspot domain in September, 2015.
I also get anxious about making money with blogger because everybody said that “you must have a premium Wordpress website to make money” because they have good Search Engine Optimization and blah blah other most useful stuff. Don’t listen to these rumours and get your ass on blogger and work, work and work.
The best thing in blogger is that it’s too easy you don’t have to learn web development related stuff and of course you don’t need to know the basics of
  • HTML5,
  • CSS and
  • JavaScript.
You can see how my few blogspot blog’s make hundreds of $$ daily.
I only write this answer because there are many people who can’t afford to invest money in building a blog. So don’t worry people blogger is there for you. Make your own blog, write what you know about and then start making money online.

tricks google adsence

  1. Yes, you can earn $100 with any monetization tool. However the amount of time it takes to earn relies on a few things:

  • How much traffic you get.
  • How much content you have.
  • How targeted your adverts are to your visitors.
  • How much advertisers are paying in that particular topic.

  • As a general guide, you can expect maybe $2–5 cpm ($2–5 per 1,000 visitors) if your topic isn’t very targeted and you don’t have previous experience in writing and earning online.

Earning from AdSense depends upon many factors and you can make more than your target if you choose a paying niche and work hard on the blog. Avoid what Google does not want you to do, e.g. click on ads yourself.

If your blog is very new, and it is based in India, you will have to wait for six months before they approve the blog for AdSense.

Of course you can, your revenue from blog is directly proportional to efforts you put in to reach maximum people with your article.
  • To brief on this, all I can say is that you ought be regularly active in this race. Just like you and me there millions of people in this race and billions of platforms servings ads and various other medium of monetization.
    You can earn more than $100 monthly, but yeah that amount won’t come easy. Again it’s not a rocket science to achieve this. I’m sure you can do this.
    Quick notes:
    1. Make sure you have appealing & engaging content.
    2. Plan your work in a way that your readers wait for more and also seek your opinion for their questions.
    3. Design matters a lot, make sure you have a reader-friendly pages and easy navigation would be amazing to roam around your blog.
    4. Not too many ads- Trace your blog’s data from Google Analytics/Google Adsense and decide which part of your blog gets maximum views and based on that you can place a maximum of 2 ads per page.
    5. Keep experimenting with ad placements, that’s a great way to fine tune your earning(s).
    6. If you implement other medium(s) of monetization, make sure you manage it well and make your readers feel need for a adblocker for their PCs.
    I hope I’ve answered your question the way you expected it to be answered. Do let me know if i can help you any further on this.
    All the best for your future !!